From Seedling to Spectacle 

Botanical Gardens Projects

Welcome to the UOD Botanical Gardens!

Discover the Beauty and Importance of Local Plants

Our network of Community Botanical Gardens connects you with the fascinating world of plants native to our region. Explore vibrant collections, learn about local ecosystems, and join us in our mission to conserve and appreciate this incredible biodiversity.

What We Offer:

Our Network of Gardens:

Together, We Cultivate a Greener Future:

Our Community Botanical Gardens Project promotes regional biodiversity, fosters environmental awareness, and cultivates a deeper appreciation for the plants that enrich our lives.

Join us on this exciting journey!

Explore our gardens, learn more about our initiatives, and get involved in our mission.

Main Campus Botanical Garden

The main objectives of the Botanical Garden are to serve Duhok University staff, students, and researchers, ‎plant species conservation (Rare, threatened, Endangered, Vulnerable, etc.) for all minorities, conservation ‎of cultural and traditional heritage for all minorities, and raise up public environmental awareness.‎