Growing the Green Movement:
Join the University of Duhok Botanical Garden's Project Network.

From Seed to Action

Cultivating a Greener Future: Unveiling the University of Duhok Botanical Garden's Projects

The University of Duhok Botanical Garden is not just a haven for plant life; it's a dynamic centre brimming with ongoing projects designed to advance research, conservation, education, and public engagement related to plants and environmental sustainability. Explore the diverse initiatives we're undertaking to cultivate a brighter future for our planet:

Expanding Our Botanical Network:

Unlocking the Secrets of Plants:

Protecting Our Botanical Heritage:

Empowering Citizen Scientists:

Become Part of the Change:

These projects represent just a glimpse of our ongoing endeavours. We are constantly seeking innovative ways to expand our impact and create a lasting positive influence on the environment.

Partner with Us:

The University of Duhok Botanical Garden welcomes collaboration with organizations that share our vision for a sustainable future. If your organization is interested in:

We encourage you to contact us to explore partnership opportunities. Together, we can cultivate a greener future for generations to come!

Stay Connected:

Follow us on social media to stay updated on our latest projects, research breakthroughs, and educational initiatives. Connect with us!

Let's embark on this journey together!