Plants Need You! Be the Change with the University of Duhok Botanical Garden Citizen-Science Network

Unleash Your Inner Plant Detective

Be the Change: Join the University of Duhok Botanical Garden Citizen-Science Network!

Have you ever looked at a wildflower and wondered what it was? Or perhaps you've noticed changes in the plants around your home? The University of Duhok Botanical Garden's Citizen Science Network empowers YOU to become a part of the solution!

Citizen Science: Uniting People and Plants

We believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting our planet's incredible biodiversity. Citizen science provides a unique opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to contribute valuable data that can be used for research, conservation, and even policymaking.

Become a Plant Detective!

Our network focuses on wild plants throughout the Kurdistan Region. As a citizen scientist, you'll be equipped with the tools and training you need to:

Technology at Your Fingertips:

We leverage the power of technology to make citizen science accessible and engaging. Our user-friendly mobile app allows you to:

Together, We Can Make a Difference:

By joining the University of Duhok Botanical Garden Citizen Science Network, you'll be contributing to a vital cause. Your efforts will:

Ready to become a Plant Detective? Connect with us today and join the growing network of citizen scientists making a real difference!